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SIG Cabinaire by LASTWOODSMAN. Viewed 437 times.
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Image Comments
LASTWOODSMAN27-May-17 22:27
Been trying hard at this rubber band powered free flight the last three days - the 22" 'Cabinaire' is launched !
LASTWOODSMAN28-May-17 10:45
The computer "SNIPPING TOOL" works great on anything! To get a good pic out of a video, "pause" the video on a good frame you want a pic of, left click on the "Snipping Tool" icon on the bottom bar of your screen, and it brings up a little "Snipping Tool" box at the lower left of the screen. Then left mouse button click on the "scissors with a red circle", and the whole screen FADES out a bit, and you now have a cursor "cross" (on "rectangular snip"), and you then left mouse button drag this cursor "cross" to make any rectangle size, which is now NOT FADED, release it, then "file", then "save as ...", and put your new pic in any folder you want.
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