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LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked02-Jul-17 23:14
Views : 262
NO WARNING !! If you use Photobucket, and suddenly lost your pictures/images, this is what they did to you ... "As of June 30, 2017, Photobucket requires a $99 annual subscription to allow external linking to hosted images and a $399 annual subscription to allow the embedding of images on third-party websites, such as personal blogs and forums. This policy change, enacted with no advance warning, has been highly controversial.[6]
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked02-Jul-17 08:41
Views : 246
20" Sig Customaire - stab parts are removed and spread out white glued on all mating surfaces and left to dry.
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked02-Jul-17 08:38
Views : 231
The actual Stabilizer parts are then removed from the locating blocking up frames. Call me crazy, but there is a soothing, pretty, colored symmetry to all of the round head pins sticking up. Then each individual stab part is now glue-brushed separately on all of their mating surfaces with a white glue:water mixture ratio of about 65 glue and 35 water ratio (65:35), and then left to dry before the second part of double gluing with immediate final assembly I may seem like a lot of extra work, but I like to have fun fiddling around during the build - I build slow - so hopefully when I glue it all together - and the parts do fit right in their place nicely - I will have deep strong bonds.
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked30-Jun-17 15:20
Views : 235
Sig 20" "Customaire" biplane - Rudder/fin framing is doubled white glued and the stab is all blocked up with small bracing planks pinned in place, ready to glue.
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked30-Jun-17 15:13
Views : 255
Oh well, so much for chivalry ...
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked29-Jun-17 18:06
Views : 297
Some progress on the Customaire. The fin/rudder is all "double-glued up" with white glue as per Don Ross' Treatise book "Rubber Powered Model Airplanes", which I had signed out from the Library, read it, highlighted it , made pencil notes all over it, then ordered a new book, and went back to the Library to give them the new book, got heck from the Librarian, but she eventually let me exchange it, but charged me $2.60 for having to switch over the cover and bar codes info ... I am going all out and double gluing and bracing up everything with small 1/16" balsa planks
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked28-Jun-17 16:30
Views : 293
22" Sig "Customaire" - Today's progress on the fin/rudder - all fitted and blocked up, ready for "double white gluing", as per Don Ross' treatise book "Rubber Powered Model Airplanes"(1988). First glue up all surfaces 65:35 glue:water mixture, let dry, then 90:10 glue:water for final attachment. I am pondering if I even need little gussets all over the model or not ...
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked28-Jun-17 16:27
Views : 329
22" Sig "Customaire" - Spent the day so far, photocopying sections of the plan, and light sanding (220 grit) all of the fuzz off of all of the sides of the "saw cut" stringers - 3/32" sq, 1/16"sq, 3/16" X 3/32", and 1/16" X 1/8" stripwood. After blowing off all of the sanding dust, I dragged each piece through my black cloth T-shirt, and I was amazed at how much sanding sawdust was still actually left on the wood. These laser-cut parts in this kit, don't seem to be as "laser-burned" that very dark brown color on the edges, as on other kits. I have heard that the way to get around that (from Dave Paul Cowell, I think), is to laser cut over glass. Anybody hear that before? I'm ready to start gluing now that all of my balsa is squeaky clean ...
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked25-Jun-17 11:23
Views : 276
have a good chuckle at my overexuberant celebration !! LOL What a laugh!
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked25-Jun-17 11:22
Views : 257
and a quick stop
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked25-Jun-17 11:21
Views : 249
"greased landing" touchdown with no roll !!
LASTWOODSMANSIG CabinaireParked25-Jun-17 11:20
Views : 277
maiden fllight to a "runway landing" on the artificial grass turf of the "pitch" of the Cricket Wicket
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